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About Us

The BBES PTO is a 100% Volunteer driven organization that belongs to you! 

    Every parent and teacher at BBES is automatically a member. 


     We exist solely based upon your generosity.  Your time and talent help make our organization possible and allows our school to be the best it can be. Volunteering can be very rewarding, whether you're acting as chair/co-chair of an event, volunteering to work an event, or donating an item to make the event a success. So, Get Involved!  


Attend a PTO meeting, to let your voice be heard and stay up to date on all the wonderful opportunities we have to offer.  Thank you for all of your help!

Our Promise

To encourage and support the children of Bristol Bay Elementary School, in order to help make their education and time here at BBES memorable.

Vision Statement

    The BBES PTO is to work in collaboration with parents, students, the community, BBES staff and administration to enrich the learning experience of our students through community building events, sharing of information and fundraising initiatives that provide additional equipment, services and special projects.  

    In addition, our PTO acts as a bridge between the parents/community and the school, supports the educational goals of the district/school and works to help BBES families provide the best educational environment for their children.  It is the goal of the BBES PTO to do this in a collaborative, supportive, effective, enthusiastic and caring way using creative ideas to help each BBES student reach their highest potential mentally, physically and socially.  The PTO will help create a safe, secure and exciting atmosphere which is conducive to growth and learning.

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Last Updated: Aug 30, 2022

© Bristol Bay Elementary School PTO

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